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The Forex Dominator

World Forex Dominator

This is how I dominate the world FOREX MARKET.

Forex, Indices & Metals

The Forex Dominator

How do I control & dictate the World’s Forex Market?

Manual Trades

When ever a trade is made, does the Market almost immediately move in the opposite direction of the trade taken. Make contact to help you change the direction of the market you want it to move in by clicking the link below.

Reversing Trades

When setting up software to reverse every trade, the demo account will make profits (up to a few 100 trades 100% correct) and all reverse real account trades in the loss!Make contact to help you change the direction of the market you want it to move in by clicking the link below.

EA Trading

When testing an EA on a Demo with a $ 10000 account, will the EA make up to $ 2 million per year. When a real account is tested, 90% of all trades will hit Stop Loss! Make contact to help you change the direction of the market you want it to move in by clicking the link below.

Stop Loss & Take Profit

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Directional & Sideways Market

I can dictate the direction of the trade, but just taking a trade in the opposite direction of the trend to reverse the market, or to layer a trade to keep on trading in one direction!

Making Predictions

When ever I make an prediction of the market, without taking a trade, will I have a 90% plus successrate of predicting the direction of the market. When I however take the trade on a real account, do I have +- 0% success rate in reading the amrket.

About the The Forex Dominator

How I Dominate the World Market

For the past 3 years have I came to accept that every time I take a trade, buy or sell, will the market almost immediately move in the opposite direction. I did not documented this 3 years ago as I could not believe that a Billion Dollar Market will immediately react to my trades. After friend and family laughing at me in the beginning, it is however now clear after documenting 100’s of trades, that I have a direct impact on the direction of any Forex, Indexes and Metals Market. I have since helped family and friends with trades, if they have the direction of the market wrong, I will immediately change the direction of the market, they want it to go in.d in a nice, gilded frame.

  • Markets move within seconds or minutes after trading.
  • Direction will only change when trades are closed.
  • Direction will continue until Stop Loss
  • Market will seldom move beyond the level of the trade.
  • Stop Loss level will never be reached.

About the The Forex Dominator

How I Dominate the US 30

After being in a buy trade for a very long time, I decided to close the trade as it was falling to much. Immediately after closing the trade, the market shot up. It shoots up so fast that it does not even close the spread gap. Most of these trades actions happens in split seconds.

  • The amrket reverses once I close the trade
  • or when I blow the account.

About the Agency

Dominating the world GOLD maket,

On 22 Nov 24 the market was fairly up and down and when I took a random sell at +- 11:38 am, the market shot up +- 10 dollars in 4 minutes.

  • Before the trade the market was up and down.
  • After this trade was closed did the market settle again.
  • a $ 10 Gold spike without any reason, other than my sell trade

Our Services

Changing the Forex market at will.

Contact me Today to help you change the market into the direction you want to! If I can help you make money, will I change you a percentage of your profits.

Immediately Change Direction

Here is an sample how it immediately changes direction when I change the trade dirextion. The market will immediatly react, everytime I change the tarde

Keep on changing Direction

The market will keep on changing directions in secession as long as I keep on changing the direction of trade. It will only move in one direction as soon as I stop changing the direction or close all trades.

Relationship Buildup

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Financial Consulting

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Investment Planning

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Relationship Buildup

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce tincidunt pulvinar neque, in scelerisque velit auctor ut. Aliquam nec volutpat

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